Top Weekly Ads

Check out the hottest weekly ads and deals of the week.

Frequently Asked Questions about Popular Weekly Ads

How are the popular weekly ads on determined?

The popular weekly ads on are determined by several factors like the number of visitors viewing an ad, the frequency of interaction, and the total amount of positive feedback the ad receives from our users.

What are the benefits of viewing popular weekly ads on

By viewing popular weekly ads on, you can stay informed about the most appealing deals that are appreciated by the majority of our users. It also helps you discover new stores or products that you might have otherwise overlooked.

How often are the popular weekly ads on updated?

The list of popular weekly ads on is updated daily to reflect the most recent trends in user interaction and preferences.

Can I receive a notification when a new popular weekly ad is added?

Yes, you can subscribe to our newsletter or enable notifications to receive updates when new popular weekly ads are added.

Can I view the popular weekly ads on for free?

Yes, all weekly ads on, including the popular weekly ads, can be viewed completely free of charge. It's our goal to help you find the best deals without any extra costs.

How can I search for specific products or stores in the popular weekly ads?

You can use the search function on to find specific products or stores. Just type the product or store name in the search bar and select the result that matches your search.

What does it mean when a weekly ad is popular on

A popular weekly ad on is an ad that attracts a lot of visitors, has lots of interactions and/or scores high in customer satisfaction. These factors suggest that the deals in these weekly ads appeal to many of our users.

Can I change the order of popular weekly ads based on my preferences?

Currently, the popular weekly ads on are ranked based on their popularity among all users. But you can always search for specific ads, stores or products using our search feature.

How can I add my favorite weekly ad to the popular ads?

The popularity of a weekly ad on is determined by the behavior and feedback from all users. While you can't directly add an ad to the popular list, frequent visits, interaction with the ad, and leaving positive feedback can help increase its popularity.

Is there a limit to the number of popular weekly ads I can view on

No, there is no limit to the number of popular weekly ads you can view on You can browse as many ads as you like, as long as they are available on our website.

Can I share the popular weekly ads on with my friends?

Yes, you can share the link to a popular weekly ad through social media, email, or other communication channels. We encourage sharing great deals with friends and family!